Waking up

Every morning when I wake up, in those few minutes between the world of dreams and the real world I feel closest to you. Even though I know you're not there, my wish alone seems to make you real, to take you out of my dreams and carry you into reality. I try not to turn my face or to move my body in order to not destroy the image in my mind of you lying there. With my eyes closed I imagine how it would be if I could turn around and find you there. Sometimes you're still asleep and in my mind my eyes wander over your face, following the shape of it while I'm fighting the urge to kiss you and so wake us up. Sometimes you're already awake, your eyes looking at me and your lips forming the smile I love so much about you and the same fight begins again.
On good mornings I seem to win and my dream reality lives on, making me miss the real day. On bad mornings I can't resist and even though I can enjoy kissing you for a second, I wake up and the magic is gone.
No matter what kind of morning it is, I always get one kiss from your soft, warm lips and afterwards a blow from the cold, hard fist of reality.
But in the end reality can't hit me hard enough to make me stop wishing to wake up the same way again.